Reference how to interact with the Calendar REST API that provides access to events, calendars, and calendar groups in Exchange Online. Best Practices REST API from Scratch Implementation Site. Point. We ended the first part of this tutorial with all the basic layers of our API in place. We have our server setup, authentication system, JSON inputoutput, error management and a couple of dummy routes. But, most importantly, we wrote the README file that defines resources and actions. Now its time to deal with these resources. We have no data right now, so we can start with contact creation. Current REST best practices suggest that create and update operations should return a resource representation. Since the core of this article is the API, the code that deals with the database is very basic and could be done better. In a real world application you probably would use a more robust ORMModel and validation library. Body. errors app validate. Contactbody. if emptyerrors. ORM fortablecontacts create. Insert notes. if REST API. For POST and PUT calls, pass request parameters as a JSON payload in the request body, not as URL parameters. Endpoints API calls with access token. This page contains examples of using the Confluence Content REST API using curl. The responses are piped into python mjson. JSON encoder decoder to make them. Vito Tardia goes in depth with REST API construction from scratch, while adhering to best practices in API design. Learn how to build REST apps like a pro. Such a good post I had a requirement to expose a REST API about 16 months ago. This wouldve come in very helpful. Grade A developmentMicrosoft Graph allows applications to access digital work and digital life data across the intelligent Microsoft cloud. Big advantages for developers A Unified. Dagfinn. Thanks for a comprehensive treatment to this topic. I am sure it would benefit a lot to everyone interested in SAP NetWeaver Cloud. For testing the REST api. Update List Item Rest Api Best' title='Update List Item Rest Api Best' />Notes array. ORM fortablenotes create. Notes note as. Array. Array. if emptycontact. Notes. outputnotes contact. Notes. echo jsonencodeoutput, JSONPRETTYPRINT. ExceptionUnable to save contact. Validation. ExceptionInvalid data, 0, errors. We are in the apiv. POST method. First we need the body of the request. Our middleware ensures that it is a valid JSON or we would not be at this point in the code. The method app validate. Contact ensures that the provided data is sanitized and performs basic validation it makes sure that we have at least a first name and a unique valid email address. We can reasonably think that the JSON payload could contain both contact and notes data, so Im processing both. Im creating a new contact, with my ORM specific code, and in case of success I insert the linked notes, if present. The ORM provides me with objects for both contact and notes containing the ID from the database, so finally I produce a single array to encode in JSON. The JSONPRETTYPRINT option is available from version 5. PHP, for older version you can ask Google for a replacement. The code for updating a contact is pretty similar, the only differences are that we are testing the existence of the contact and notes before processing data, and the validation differs slightly. ORM for. Tablecontacts find. Oneid. if contact. Body. errors app validate. Contactbody, update. We can optimize further by mapping the same code to more than one method, for example Im mapping the PUT and PATCH methods to the same code app map. Update code here. PUT, PATCH Now that we have some contacts in our database its time to list and filter. Lets start simple Get contacts. ORM for. Tablecontacts. Array. echo jsonencodecontacts, JSONPRETTYPRINT. The statement that retrieves the data depends on your ORM. Idiorm makes it simple and returns an associative array or an empty one, that is encoded in JSON and displayed. In case of an error or exception, the JSON middleware that we wrote earlier catches the exception and converts it into JSON. But lets complicate it a bitFields, filters, sorting and searching. A good API should allow to us to limit the fields retrieved, sort the results, and use basic filters or search queries. For example, the URL apiv. Viola qvitae. Should return all the contacts named Viola where the first name OR email address contains the string vitae, they should be ordered by alphabetically descending email address email and I want only the firstname and email fields. How do we do thisapp get. Default resultset. ORM for. Tablecontacts. Get and sanitize filters from the URL. FILTERSANITIZESTRING. Add filters to the query. Raw. firstname LIKE OR email LIKE. Get and sanitize field list from the URL. FILTERSANITIZESTRING. Add field list to the query. Manyfields. Manage sort options. FILTERSANITIZESTRING. By. Descsubstrexpr, 1. By. Ascexpr. Pagination logic. FILTERSANITIZENUMBERINT. Page filtervar. FILTERSANITIZENUMBERINT. Page. per. Page 1. Total after filters and. Pagination Link headers go here. Page offsetpage per. Page per. Page. Array. ORM fix needed. X Total Count, total. JSONPRETTYPRINT. First I define a default result set all contacts, then I extract the full query string parameters into the rawfilters array, unsetting the keys fields, sort, page and perpage, Ill deal with them later. I sanitize keys and values to obtain the final filters array. The filters are then applied to the query using the ORM specific syntax. I do the same for the field list and sort options, adding the pieces to our result set query. Only then I can run the query with find. Array and return the results. Pagination logic and headers. Its a good idea to provide a way to limit the returned data. In the code above I provide the page and perpage parameters. After validation they can be passed to the ORM to filter the results results limitper. Page offsetpage per. Page per. Page Before that I obtain a count of the total results, so I can set the X Total Count HTTP header. Now I can compute the Link header to publish the pagination URLs like this Link lt https mycontacts. The pagination URLs are calculated using the actual sanitized parameters link. Base. URL app request get. Nexus Multiplayer Crack here. Url. app request get. Root. Uri. app request get. Resource. Uri. Adding fields. String fields. Adding filters. String httpbuildqueryfilters. Adding sort options. String sort. Base. URL. String. array. Page. links sprintflt s relnext, next. First I calculate the current base URL for the resource, then I add the fields, filters and sort options to the query string. In the end I build the full URLs by joining the pagination parameters. At this point fetching the details of a single contact is really easy app get. Validate input code here. ORM for. Tablecontacts find. Oneid. if contact. Array, JSONPRETTYPRINT. Found. We try a simple ORM query and encode the result, if any, or a 4. But we could go further. For contact creation, its reasonable enough that we may want the contact and the notes, so instead of making multiple calls we can trigger this option using query string parameters, for example https mycontacts. We can edit the code to. Array. if notes app request getembed. ORM for. Tablenotes. By. Descid. find. Array. if emptynotes. JSONPRETTYPRINT. If we have a valid contact and an embed parameter that requests the notes, we run another query, searching for linked notes, in reverse order by ID or date or whatever we want. With a full featured ORMModel structure we could, and should, make a single query to our database, in order to improve performance. Caching. Caching is important for our applications performance. A good API should at least allow client side caching using the HTTP protocols caching framework. In this example Ill use ETag and in addition to this we will add a simple internal cache layer using APC. All these features are powered by a middleware. A year ago Tim wrote about Slim Middleware here on Sitepoint, coding a Cache Middleware as example.